25th April 2018

16.00 - 16.45


Exciting subjects delivered by exciting means

Any process that can be carried out in the physical world, such as training or experiencing working of a heat pump, or the broadest range of business and customer services from marketing, finance, to recruitment, can all be simulated in VR. Making those who don’t work every day with energy efficiency or renewable energy is our primary objective.

About EEIP

Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) is a free, neutral and open, business & policy platform for industrial energy efficiency. EEIP uses communications, engagement and best practices exchange to enable industry and policy to achieve higher energy efficiency and sustainable manufacturing, while, at the same time, enhancing competitiveness for industries - in other words - improving the functioning of energy efficiency markets. 


Juergen Ritzek, EEIP business director 

Dusan Jakovljevic, EEIP policy and communication director

Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP)  
Avenue des Klauwerts 6 
1050 Brussels 
+32 (0)2.740.43.64  

About ICP project 

The ICP (Investor Confidence Project Europe) project is a European project funded under the H2020 program, whose aim is the delivery of more certainty for clients and investors in energy financing. By delivering a standardised framework for developing energy efficiency projects, the ICP project helps grow the number of projects and the energy efficiency finance market. 


Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida, ICP Europe Director 

Quitterie de Rivoyre, ICP Europe Project Manager

Luis Castanheira, ICP Europe Technical Director 

Rod Janssen, ICP Europe Project Partner and EEIP president


25th April 201816.00 - 16.45 2017-01-04 2020-09-05

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25th April 201816.00 - 16.45 2017-01-04 2020-09-05

25th April 201816.00 - 16.45 2017-01-04 2020-09-05

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We are still setting up and testing the Sustainable Energy World

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